Thursday, February 8, 2007

Flashing Red Lights

There have been way more sirens today than usual. It seems like we hear them around 10 times a day, but I think today it's been closer to 15 or 20. Right now actually there's an ambulance sitting right outside our building, and earlier today there was a fire just down the street.... wow and there goes another siren. It's kind of stressful living in this place, but still so amazing.

I'm really loving DTS, and the people I've met here so far. Sarah is my closest friend here, and probably one of the coolest people I've met. I'm envious of her love and passion for the Lord. God is going to use her in amazing ways, and it's so cool to have her here.
Yesterday on my way to Walgreens I saw this homeless lady that's always so extremely nice. I stopped and asked her if she would like anything from Walgreens, and I sort of assumed she'd ask for food... haha, she asked for red lipstick instead. Then she had me sit down and talk to her. She asked me if I was a booster, and I said no. Then she went on to tell me that her and her daughter steal stuff all the time to make money. She has five kids and looks about 60 years old. Unlike most people on these streets she doesn't look older than her age, she's beautiful. She's been in San Francisco for about 2 and a half months, and she came here from Eureka.
The story that she told me was graphic and suprising. She asked me why I wanted to get her something, and I told her it was because she was always so nice... she said it was by the grace of God. As I talked to her she explained that a couple weeks ago she was really coked out and drunk, and she went over to this guy's house that she didn't really know. He was in a wheel chair. He gave her a pill and she took it, and then she took a bath as he went to go get more coke. When he got back she was still awake, hanging out, and so he gave her another pill... she passed out, and he raped her. Instead of using the word rape though, she used the "F" word... she actually used the "F" word probably more than 25 times in our 8 minute conversation. She explained that he took all her money (235 dollars) her ID, and her purse; when she woke up he was gone. Who knows if this guy is actually handicapped in the first place. He may be worse off so that he can get more money from the government. He's obviously able to walk some if he lives alone, and if he can rape someone.
She then told me she went to the manager and they called the police. When the guy came back she yelled at him. She told him to give her the money back, and he denied it all. Of course since she was coked out she couldn't prove it. She then argued with him that he should atleast give her 20 dollars for "F"ing her. Some other "white guy" gave her 20 bucks, but this guy still refused... finally he gave in and gave her the 20 dollars in return for the sex he stole from her.
Is 20 dollars the price you pay for rape these days? Wow... talk about a screw driver to the stomach. The other day this same lady was on the street and she had a tube hanging from her nose. I knew that it was a tube you get from the hospital when your nose doesn't stop bleeding... I knew it because my grandma got one of those once too. She had reminded me of my grandma. She's nicely dressed compared to the rest of these people, well groomed to. Her face isn't torn apart from years of drug use, soI wonder how on earth she got this way. At 60 years old, what turned this woman to the streets of San Francisco? Where are her 5 kids to come and rescue her? In the back of her head she believes in God, where did it all go wrong? How on earth can I save this woman? She talked about this whole event like it didn't pain her at all... it just pissed her off. How did this woman's heart get so hard?
I believe she introduced herself as Sister Shirley (but I'm not quite sure that it was Shirley). Please please pray for her.

1 comment:

PaiT said...

Well those theories do sound kinda funny. People on the streets get to see a lot more of the world that us, the ones who go to work, parties, mountains, home.
I like knowing that someone listens to them. Thank you for doing that.